About Me

My name is Roosyida. Buat yg ga ngerti bahasa kampung, nih gue translate : nama gue Roosyida.
Gue bisa di panggil Rosi. Dan gue ga ngerti kenapa temen temen gue banyak manggil Oci.
Dibawah ini gue :D
I'm 15 y.o old now, grade 11 Science (ceileehhh science cyiiin)
Interest with music, theater, photography, food, film, and others.
I'm only a unique teenager girl - dilarang protes!
Enjoy my teenager with my bestfriend, my love, and my family :)
Do you want know more about me? Just follow my beloved twitter @ochyda atau sekalian aja kalo mau request social networking gue yang udah mulai karatan (baca:facebook) -> Roosyida Rachman
Don't forget to follow my tumblr too ^^

So, thanks a lot for visiting my blog \(^o^)/
Powerpuff Girls - Bubbles